Post by King Klass on Mar 26, 2009 16:31:53 GMT -5
And It Shall Be Destroyed By Fire - The Burning Sensation!
*props to my man Mad-King for the inspirational idea - ur a legend*
This is a deck I posted earlier on the Fans but it never got any response. I think the reason may be is because I never fully explained how this deck works. The deck is designed to compete with the top decks in the Meta and the decks threatening to rise to the top. These decks are, of course, TeleDAD, Lightsworn, Twilight, Gladiators, Zombies, and Plants etc. All these deck share common ground although they play and win in different ways. I am going to explain how one deck can shut them all down with the same tactic.
All these decks all rely on Special Summoning of course. That is the most common ground of all. Most rely heavily on the graveyard for there special summoning needs while others use the deck but most utilize both. The end to this special summoning typically results in 2 to 5 monsters on the opponent’s field. Having a great deal of monsters is a great advantage for sure. But of course this can also become a problem. Over-extension can lead the opponent to an early grave should they use all there resources too fast. TeleDAD is notorious for this while Zombies and Plants can just come around for another hit next turn. The key to keeping fields alive it due to a few key cards. Things such as Stardust Dragon, Thought Ruler, Tytannial, Zombie Master, and Heraklinos can hinder anyone from achieving victory. But there are very easy ways to get past these hindrances.
Lava Golem
Black Rose Dragon
Lightning Vortex
Mirror Force
Torrential Tribute
Crush Card Virus
Of course destruction is always an option unless Stardust Dragon is on the field. Thought Ruler and Tytannial can't to a thing since the destruction never targets. Zombies and Gladiators explode. Heraklinos is immune to all spell and trap answers here, as is Stardust. So we have Lava Golem. He is a way to remove tough to answer monsters without breaking a sweat. And he even does 1000 to boot. But now you have a 3000 ATK monster staring you down. Not good. But that leads to the next point.
All of these decks are hindered by the same thing, stalling. Since there is virtually no late game in this Meta, extending the game later than an opposing deck can go to is a great strategy. Virtually all big threats can be stopped nullified with the right stalling.
Necro Gardna
Spirit Reaper
Swords of the Revealing Light
Threatening Roar
TeleDAD OR Lightsworn that needs to explode in one turn can be stopped cold by even a single Necro Gardna. The best thing is it doesn't even need to be on the field to stall so even an empty field can be ok with him in the grave (or for that matter Gorz in the hand). Threatening Roar is similar in that it doesn't have to remain of the field to work. It’s as simple as chaining it and watching your opponent pass. Scapegoat will just activate and be run over for virtually a free turn. But what about cards like Swords, Marshmallon and Spirit Reaper that must remain on the field to work? Well in most cases this will cause the opponent to expend a card in order to proceed to a successful battle phase. Swords are a card most players don't want to waste something on since it will just go away in a few turns. But with all this stalling how do you win? Well....
BURN. None of these decks have a build in answer to burn and most of these decks have some form or another of reducing there own Life Points. Solemn Judgement is the most common, but Krebons, Thought Ruler and Judgement Dragon are also there. After a Solemn a slight amount of burn can bring the game to an end. But most burn cards are too slow or are too ineffective in this meta. Some cards that we have gone over like Lava Golem and Marshmallon fit in here. But let’s go over cards that can burn and still be effective.
Volcanic Counter
Magic Cylinder
Dimensional Wall
Dark Dive Bomber [Crimson Crisis]
Level 7
Dark Machine Synchro
2600 ATK 1800 DEF
1 Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters
You can Tribute 1 monster you control to inflict damage to your opponent equal to the Level of the Tributed monsters x 200.
Volcanic Counter is an amazing option right now. It is essentially a Magic Cylinder from the graveyard. The best thing is the effects of multiple Counters stack so an attack from even Sangan with 3 in the grave does 3000 damage to the opponent. Now let’s say Stardust attacks. That’s 7500 damage for nothing. Magic Cylinder and Dimension Wall work off of the same principle. Lava Golem combined with stalling has been proven to deal enough damage to make a difference. And since he is a level 8 he can't be Synchro’d with. Yes he can be tributed but not before he does 1000 and has taken care of 2 opposing threats already. Lava Golem makes the opponent play around him which means should they choose to keep him he eats away at them, should they give him away, they cost themselves a card and a play they more than likely didn't want to do. It’s a win on your side. Dark Dive Bomber is a giant Cannon Soldier. In a direct attack he does 2600 from his attack and 1400 for Tributing himself for 4000 in total. That is amazing so have a easily summoned monster for 4000 damage or more. This gives the deck an offensive way to deal massive damage as well.
A lot of cards fall into one of three categories. Removal, Stall or Burn. Some have more than one category, such as Marshmallon that stalls and burns or Lava Golem that removes and burns. These 3 categories combined will bring down the big decks. This is a deck that comprises all of these.
Blazing Destruction: A Burning Sensation
2||Lava Golem
1||Gorz the Emissary of Darkness
3||Rose, Warrior of Revenge
1||Snipe Hunter
2||Mask of Darkness
1||Neo-Spacian Grand Mole
1||Morphing Jar
3||Necro Gardna
3||Volcanic Counter
1||Card Trooper
1||Spirit Reaper
2||Book of Moon
1||Brain Control
1||Monster Reborn
1||Burial from the Different Dimension
1||Swords of the Revealing Light
1||Lightning Vortex
1||Heavy Storm
1||Card Destruction
1||Mirror Force
1||Torrential Tribute
1||Crush Card Virus
1||Magic Cylinder
3||Dimension Wall
3||Threatening Roar
1||Red Dragon Archfiend
2||Thought Ruler Archfiend
2||Stardust Dragon
3||Black Rose Dragon
3||Dark Dive Bomber
1||Goyo Guardian
1||Iron Chain Dragon
1||Magical Android
1||Gladiator Beast Herakalinos OR Gladiator Beast Gyzarus
The primary synchro monsters are Black Rose and Dive Bomber. Each serves as an out. In bad situation I can summon Black Rose to ignite the field and start from scratch. Dark Dive Bomber lets me go on the offensive and run things over or I can be passive and let is sit and tribute monsters till I win. Both of these key monsters are level 7, so a 4 and a 3 is the easiest way to summon these. Most of my monsters are level 3 so a level 4 tuner is the best. Rose Warrior is my level 4 tuner and serves another integral purpose. Besides just summoning Synchro’s, it can also deal some burn damage so that is a plus. But not only is that it a fire so I can let Volcanic Counter activate more consistently.
Other cards let me use and reuse cards over and over again. The deck relies on having thing stack up on the opponent such as Volcanic Counter, Necro Gardna, multiple turns of stalling, etc; Mask lets me reuse a trap that I need again. Book lets me use Mask again to use another trap thus stacking another thing the opponent must play around. Multiple fire monsters in the grave means the opponent can't just D.D. Crow my only other fire in order to attack safely. The must get rid of others as well. But Burial from the Different Dimension makes that harder. It also makes Counter and Gardna happen again. Things will just keep stacking up in this deck for every turn that I get. The more I get the harder it is the get out of the mess. It’s like a bad game of Tetris for the opponent.
Letting certain cards of the opponent stack can also hurt the opponent as well. Too many Dark monsters to Dark Armed are not good. Card Destruction and Morphing Jar help achieve this goal as well as speed up my deck. And since cards like Counter and Necro can be ditched for free it helps set up my deck as well as draw. The amounts of possibilities are endless in here. I could go on for a lot longer about what this can do but I am getting tired of trying to explain everything in my youthful enthusiasm.
Lava Golem is a big hindrance for most decks. It causes premature Torrential and tribute summons they don't want to make. If the opponent has PWWB it causes a few things. Either they do it to get rid of it and lose all those cards and never summon 2 monsters again or they have it set and never activate it on Golem and hope for the best on hitting a back field. It’s typically futile since I have enough stall in my graveyard. The deck has tested well so far but I am still in the testing phase against most decks. This is a concept deck right now.
In theory the deck should do amazing since it puts the opponent playing against them as well as me. Whatever strength they have, I do as well. Between Magic Cylinder, D Wall and Counter I can have up to 7 direct attacks without ever actually attacking. And the number of my attacks my opponent can do diminishes with every bit of burn damage I do. And with that in mind the opponent will try to do everything they can to get around my burning wall. This is a form of defeating the opponent by making them make stupid moves. On the other hand I should be free from being trapped and be able to make whatever move I want. This freedom makes the game much more easily controlled by me. Control via burn is the best because I could end the game at any time.
Now some of you may be wondering why there is a lack of Ojama Trio and Why I did not use Secret Barrel in here instead of Dimension Wall. Well the answer to that question is that sadly Ojama Trio isn't happening in this format. Since Synchro’s rule any extra monsters the opponent can get Ojamas really only help the opponent. Secret Barrel is iffy. I understand the chainable part but its damage is very unpredictable and unreliable. I like D Wall cuz it can do a ton of damage while also preventing me from taking damage. Its kind off how my deck can survive so long.
So Hope you enjoy the deck folks and remember to have fun and good luck!
I can see it now, 4th place: Donald trump, 3rd: warren buffet, 2nd: Oprah, 1st: bill gates, because they were the only people who could afford the decks. However D-Slayer Trumps them all.